i used some different material and approach this time.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Life drawing at work,the drawing is bigger that my scanner so it got cropped around the edges and i was too lazy to scan it twice and fix it in the PS.
Last night I took Ranna to her first movie,we watched Kung fu panda 2.She was so excited about the whole Movie theatre atmosphere and for the movie i think it was a little bit too much action for her ,and also after a while she wanted to watch the movie without the glasses,and she decided the best spot to watch the movie is the very top row.
So a big post for Ranna's third birthday. We made 16 very hungry caterpillar for her to share with her friends,then a night in town,Lumninato, she saw amazing Sargasso,participated in an outdoor rock concert for first time, and ofcourse food and yummy desert, and she saw a lot of amzazing vehicles and people just walking around and having a good time:D
Here is a few very quick sketeches i made of Ranna,in 10 days she's be three years old.She still has her round chubby baby belly:D
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Here is painting of this indian girl, i wanted to capture this feel of how harmonized she is to her surounding and also get a heavenly misterious feel to the whole atmosphere.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Continuing my painting practice.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
So I decided to paint this one,it was good practice.
Our Friend Brough Ranna a Chocolate cake, she was flattered:D
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ranna has started to draw, she gets really into it what i love about her drawing is that she fill up the whole page with different colors,like a painter. She's really fasinated with colors, i see people asking her what are you drawing? but honestly i think she is just painting colors,color is her subject, seeing her enjoying each color just make me look at them with a fresh eye and experience the same joy.
Tim horton is becomming one of my favorite places to draw people,a couple of my colleagues and i are taking advantage of the lazy lunch hour to do some doddles and it sure is energizing and fun.